The original USFL had many more teams than we have seen so far in the 2022 USFL. Many people enjoy speculating about expansion in coming years, so why not rank the remaining unused team brands? I will be basing this off of the branding alone, not location. Most of these brands are owned by the USFL, but a few are owned by TSL owner Brian Woods, who also works in the USFL.
11. Outlaws

I’m not high on the logo, it’s boring. The uniforms are boring as well, pretty much all black with some red and white striping. The name isn’t bad but not good either. They would have to change the uniforms and logo for this to be good branding. We already have the Bandits, we don't need their great value brand twin.
Colors: Black, Red, White
10. Gold

The logo is bland, it’s just a gold sparkle with a black background. The uniforms are basically the Pittsburgh Steelers with a darker yellow. I actually think the name is unique. Not a huge fan overall, but it is better than the one before it. They would have to change up the uniforms and logo.
Colors: Gold, Black, White
9. Wranglers

This logo is good in my opinion. I have mixed emotions on the uniforms. The away uniforms are great, but the home jerseys are not. Another unique name which is great. There is Potential with this branding. Would need to change the home uniforms to match the away uniforms better.
Colors: Blue, Gold, Red, White
8. Express

This logo isn’t bad, but it isn’t good either. The uniforms remind me of the old lions uniforms from the 90’s, which is a good thing. I think the colors mix well. The name itself is different, which is needed. Overall it’s a good brand, but there are better available. They wouldn’t have to change much, just give it a modern touch.
Colors: Blue, Silver, White
7. Showboats
A top tier logo, one of the most unique designs they have. The name itself is easily one of the more unique in all of sports. The Uniforms are lackluster for me. They aren’t bad necessarily, just boring. The problem is that the colors make it hard to have bland uniforms. The uniforms need an uplift, and they would need to add another color of some sort most likely.
Colors: Red, Silver, White,
6. Gunslingers

This logo isn’t good. I just don’t like it. The uniforms I do enjoy. Green helmet with blue jersey is a nice combination. An upside with this brand is that there isn't a green team in the USFL yet, and would break up the red teams a bit. The name is cool, however, it screams Texas. I would completely redo the logo, but leave the rest.
Colors: Green, Blue, Silver, White
5. Blitz

I think this logo is really solid. The uniforms are really nice, especially the shoulder stripes. The name is unmistakably a football name, so I like it. I would make the home jersey Blue, but keep everything else the same.
Colors: Red, Blue, Silver, White
4. Renegades

One of my favorite logos on this list, it’s great. The uniforms are a bit bland, but definitely aren't bad. This name is unique and not used very often in sports. I think they would need to change the uniforms up a bit but not much, just add some red, everything else is great.
Colors: Blue, White, Red, Silver
3. Invaders

Another one of my favorite logos, it’s very clean. The uniforms remind me of a throwback chargers uniforms, which I love. The name is so different, I’ve never heard it used for a sports team besides this one. I personally wouldn’t change a single thing. The Invaders would be a welcomed addition.
Colors: Air Force Blue, Yellow, Navy, White
2. Bulls

The logo is close to being the top of this list, it’s amazing. Uniforms are almost perfect with the sleeves being so different. The name is pretty common but, I still works. I would add more Orange to the uniforms, but keep everything else the same.
Colors: Maroon, Orange, Silver, White
1. Federals

My favorite logo on this list, I don’t need to say much else. The uniforms are perfect, I wouldn’t change them one bit. Federals is an uncommon sports name, it’s good to go. The colors go very well together, and as I said earlier, green is needed in this league.
Colors: Kelly Green, Black, Silver, White
What’d you think of the list? Comment below or message me on Twitter @usfl_leaux. Make Sure you join the Official USFL Discord for more of our amazing Network Content.
I really like all of them except for the Gold and the Outlaws.
The one I like the best is the Renegades!